On September 29th, 2011, NEVADA DOME VIEW…


Reno dome view

…is what I got here in Reno (where I have just arrived for a talk at the Art + Environment Conference at the Nevada Museum of Art) from the 9th floor of a downtown hotel out to the 180 foot composite dome housing an old silver mining rig.

Sam Fairchild’s legendary silver mining rig is a wonder for all guests to behold, a spectacular souvenir from a bygone era of mining wealth and now a fabulous Reno attraction. The unprecedented 120-foot-high, automated mining machine is encased within the world’s largest composite dome making it a Reno site to see. The interior of the unique 180-foot-high composite dome measures an astounding 75,000 square feet. The dome reflects the dramatic skies of Reno and depicts an entire day from sunrise to sunset. With all the things to do in Reno, don’t miss hourly shows seven days a week inside the dome, showcasing Silver Legacy’s incredible mining rig in a wash of color, laser light and sound! (website)