On January 16th, 2012, THE GARDEN ON THE ROOF…


newly terraced and planted roof

…here was a crazy out of control mess that I first established when I moved into the house 11 years – featuring a lawn, of all things, plus some experiments that didn’t quite work out (like the thirsty kiwi vines which lasted only a couple of years) that slowly evolved into a messed up combination of wildflower meadow and veggie bed – but over the past few weeks I have ripped everything out (weedy growth and the passion flower vines strangling all of it) engaging in some serious but satisfying manual labor, moving dirt into proper terraces retained with all of the round rocks I could scavenge from the yard, with a small veggie bed above, succulents on the rocky slope, a level wildflower meadow below, and then a combination of natives and rosemary (Tuscan blue and prostratus) which will gradually and gracefully drape over the garage door below.