Tag : art

…seems tailor made for me, walking through the galleries, anticipating travel to NYC tomorrow, to see the finale New Years Eve performance of the company before it disbands. (Walker Art Center) The extraordinary partnership between two legendary artists is the foundation for this installation of backdrops, props, and costumes created for the Merce Cunningham Dance ..

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…inverted cast pits of London rubble from a project at Bloomberg Space have arrived for display in LA – opening at Human Resources tonight – before being ceremonially destroyed…which I heard happened later in the evening as the opening evolved into a dance party partially on top of the s..

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…is an artist and a potter interested in the environment (see his old ecoartblog) whom I originally met years ago when he inquired about taking some dirt from my garden to use in the making of plates – upon which he would later use for a dinner party along with plates made from dirt from a ..

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…were the big hero highlights of the 2nd day of the Serpentine Garden Marathon – Eno giving an inspiring talk that had me scribbling notes for one of the first times since college, arguing for the approach of the bottom-up gardener vs. the top-down architect for the future where the creator/designer/composer/artist “…organizes only in parts…letting ..

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…a favorite art space in town which occupies the 1.40 x 1.40 square meter ladies bathroom of the great George & Dragon (the friendly East End where-everyone-knows-your-name sort of queer-arty hangout) founded and curated by Pablo Leon de la Barra featuring a history of exhibiting artists that would be the envy of any contemporary art ..

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