> marc herbst >
Traditional broadcast news (print, radio, television, internet) is irrelevant. These mediums insist upon definitions of news that innately moves the viewers consciousness away form life and towards an immature consciousness where thespians, political actors and gossip replace the direct study and knowledge of life, community, society and the quotidian balancing between life and death. Plant media informs you about the real news, the long-term trends, patterns and cultural habits that have a direct bearing on whether on not your or other lives in your community will continue.
Secondarily, this installation of The Plant Media Project will include an economic element. It will go towards proposing an economic system that employs and feeds human beings that is in line with particular conscious environment created within this particular news network.
* description *
The project within the wind-tunnel will contain; a very small garden, an 8.5 X11 inch poster/text presenting the networks' reporters, an 'arty' 3-dimensional photo and text collage which both serve as project advertisement and abstract description of the context for the work, secondary works on paper which in the nuanced language of art describe particular conceptual elements of the project.
Additionally, the project includes a street poster campaign to be installed on lampposts adjacent to nearby plant nurseries and flower shops, parks, newsstands and other news outlets and banks.
> bio >
Marc Herbst is an artist and ant-authoritarian advocate. Additionally, he is a co-editor the Journal of Aesthetics and Protest. His bio in a recent publication states that 'he is a fan of the criminal element that lays dormant in his garden'.
@ links @
of aesthetics and protest
> project requirements > I either need window light or some sort of grow lamp to keep one or two small plants alive. I need some sort of wall and floor space to present the work. Probably like 9 feet wide wall space and like, say 6 square feet of floor space. I would be happy with more breathing room around the work because part of the work is about meditation and reflection. Perhaps a small lecture to present the concepts in the work might be fun probably focus more on the economic concepts of bioregionalism (a la' Mike Menser, Gary Snyder and Peter Berg) the slow food movement, and a few other things.